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Miracles On 34th Street Mediathon Raises Big Money For Lauren Small Children’s Center

The Miracles On 34th Street Mediathon aired Wednesday, as it traditionally does on KGET-TV.  But this year, 101.5 KGFM joined, broadcasting live from Lauren Small Children’s Center.  The result…a record-breaking $85,174 was raised!

Funds raised will purchase life-saving medical equipment, provide vital health services and support programs for kids and infants at Lauren Small Children’s Center. Every dollar raised by the Mediathon stays right here in Kern County to benefit children in our community.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Radiothons are broadcasted on over 350 radio stations each year. Stations engage listeners with inspiring stories of Miracle Children from area communities and ask listeners to call in and pledge support for local kids.

Special thank you to KGET, KGFM, and Mediathon Presenting Sponsors, Chevron and Kern Schools Federal Credit Union for their unwavering support to help make miracles on 34th Street.